The Game Is Over?

What was the Last Game you Played With Your Narc? What Do you Choose? 

I’ll share mine if you share yours 🙂

read left to right -> hoover to see if narc or us


Behind The Mask

Dear T,

I don’t want to let go of the person I knew for 6 years, but I’ve been unsuccessful in finding her and things aren’t changing. I will finally accept that we can’t change this relationship with all therapy-speak that ever was and no matter how much I hoped we could. Even if it can’t help me change this delusion, there may be a lesson here about what I need to make love work, and if there is, I will learn it.


When T first discarded me .. Mm.. It was after we had been together only a year and a half. I’m not going to get into those details just know it was fucked up in many ways. Fucked up to innocent, trusting people, fucked up and betrayal to me and self destructive. Never imagined. Much different then final discard. it fucked me up but to be honest I was young and I was no angel and I did not love her the way I know how to love now.

she was my first girlfriend. I was even half excited that I would get to experience my new found “out of the closest” lifestyle. The strangest thing. I started painting as a hobby- I painted a butterfly first modeling a how to book. Then I decided to do my own design. looking back now – it’s crazy what I randomly thought I decided on.

The more I dated the more disappointed I got. The more i realized this feeling I have for her I do not get with anyone else. I wonder if I ever could? T called me a few times but I didn’t cave until 4 months later when she got me on my birthday and I was alone and sad and missed her and being able to feel.

she drove the 4 hours and never left. I was happy knowing I got a second chance to be with someone I had such strong feelings for. This time I could show T I truly loved her and not take her for granted.

Fast forward 4.5 years later and lets go right to the discard which fucked me up, and is still fucking me up. imageThere are times where I scream she is a monster because I am so angry and hurt and unwilling to do really distance myself to be able to accept that it is anything else besides her – and i think its a narc victims right to do so. However, T will always be my baby and so i work hard to understand for her – even though she’s called “The Devil” in my phone. xD 

Better off for trying



Answered By a Narcissist Himself…

HG had posted asking what questions us “victims” wanted answers to. He answered two of mine which can be found at Ask The Narcissist 

His answers, ever insightful offer some explanation. Even though we cannot make sense as “normal” people, at least it gives some perspective into knowing/understanding the mind of the narcissists which harmed us.

He published two of my questions. Here are the Clips…not going to give everything away but here is the first one:


The Second is what I am making this post about


The Quotes. My Narc told me, don’t think everything is about you. I did for awhile honestly haha. Why? because everything I posted was about my Narc. Everything I felt. At that point in time, before all my researching.. before understanding what was actually happening I assumed T was thinking of me. Now I know differently. I am not sure if any, at all are about me. Probably not. However I’ll share three T posted with my commentary when I read them.



<- #1. This one made me lol. I am sure T thought it was real, but knows it never was. Maybe T tried, I say knowing probably not since its so rare. It would end the same way it always does and always will. Hey, this may be about the new source that failed that T thought was real. Who the hell knows? WTF does a Narc know about real anyway?

This next one obviously wasn’t about me.ba990f9599bd4a1fd177b822bb47a7e7

#2 -> Maybe the new/old source. I don’t see it, the new source was nothing to set eyes on or special, but I guess to each their own. Plus, its all about how much fuel the person supplies that is “attractive” really. I guess that is what is real?

#3 (below) – You did have someone who was willing to understand. However, not willing to put up with it.There is a difference. Unfortunately you don’t realize no one will accept you as a monster.37f8b80aace58e3a13775eb87c4ad8ee Shame, when you found someone who accepted you, that you could not have the courage to be different. Life could have been good, fulfilling. You’re still young, I still wish you love, real love. The kind you leave this world in peace with. That the person (or mask?) I knew was capable of having.

The good part of you, if it exist(ed)(s?).

I say to you T…                           And All the Narcs out there….

 I say to you T…    And All the Narcs out there….


