I love myself  ? :) 

Seriously. Why I am I trying to date anyone. my home life is hell, my work work is hell.

I overslept. I overslept because I worked weird hours up until midnight wed and had to be at work super early Thursday. Before my scheduled work hours. Expected after my scheduled work hours. more shit put on me that’s not mine. Impossible deadlines .. And a fake pip. Not that I’d sleep anyway because I’m living at my parents with 25 dogs. I may sleep an hours  

Once a week yoga isn’t enough, goal setting isn’t, a book on singletasking isn’t.. Because it’s fucking impossible in time. Literally impossible 

Today within hours I escalated it to a complete life coaching online groupon, to normal daytime work wellness help to the 24/7 help hotline .. Open on my desk after I emailed my boss and ccd another manager and hr.. Went out to grab pizza for the guys .. Had my panic attack in front of them .. 
Went in, read my email responded and calmed down. Shut the cover of the benefits book. Laughed at how the one girl said I’m too negative. fuck all these people. I don’t want her in my life anyway – shit imagine if times got rough .. I don’t need to be with anyone who can’t handle negative. Who if I tell them about my stress they think it’s negative ? So if you ask me how my day is ? How I am? you want me to lie to you ? You want me to ignore you ? Wtf do you want? I don’t want anything from anyone else but support .. Help .. Care .. Compassion and to tell me it’ll be ok. Fuck do I harass people for my own selfishness and tell them don’t talk to me about ur shit I have enough of my own? GTFO. stay away from me. 

I’m calm. I feel like I had a Xanax but i didn’t. Somehow my mind is shutting it down without me asking. It must know my body isn’t getting enough oxygen. It must have realized I couldn’t inhale or exhale. My chest was like concrete around my lungs.the pressure is releasing.. it’s letting me breath, it’s letting me live. When everyone is trying to kill me .. You won’t let me do it to myself. 

You love me ? This is love isn’t it? 

I’m smiling and content .. I finally realiZe I must be starting to love myself ❤

Transcend Reality & Get A New Lens of Perception Part #1

While critical to human survival, the existence of perception comes at the expense of reality for who fall prey to Narcissistic Abuse. Once reality is lost our perception is void and as such the threat to our survival is immediate and terrifying.

The unbearable shock that all of these years our most deeply held ideas and beliefs about ourselves, others and the world are not true.  An undeniable soul shattering realization that the collective experiences of our entire existence is somehow flawed in interpreting what is and is not a critical threat to our survival.  We are left unable to judge or know what is true anymore or if we ever did. As a result, we lose our defenses. At least when we thought we thought we had defenses we were on the offense, deterring attack with a display of confidence and aggression. Whatever show we can put on that they exist we do, praying no one takes notice. Our interactions only serve to expose our vulnerable state. We begin to isolate, the threat of survival becoming so overwhelming we are in an almost constant paranoid and anxious state.

It is in this darkness each victims suffers in ways only those who have experienced it can empathize with. It is from this darkness we transcend with an external awareness of one truth that is greater than the totality of our life experiences and the suffering we experienced as a result of our shattering loss of reality. We never lost it. Reality exists irrespective of whether its perceived or not, it is how things really are rather than how we understand it through sensory experience. Perception creates our experience of the world and how we respond in it. Reality can only be viewed by an individual through the lens of perception.

Missing sock

i wear two different socks everyday. It’s a quirk of mine. I get ready in about 10 minutes and originally just didn’t care to find matches… They’re socks. People think it’s absurd. The truth is by this point I can’t even find the matches when I want to…I’ve moved so much this year and so many of my socks are gone and I have other people’s socks that I don’t even like. I tend to buy an assortment of different colored socks with different patterns. other people’s socks are boring and/or what they like in terms of design. if I don’t want someone to see I hide my mismatched pair with boots. I used to buy solid color socks so I don’t even know if my sock preference changed or if I stopped thinking about what socks I liked and only bought socks someone else likes because we were bound to mix them up anyway and they complained about losing theirs. 
I am sure if I spent a lot of time and energy I could find one of my missing socks to make a pair…but I don’t even know if I like them to begin with… Would I find happiness in a missing sock ? or would be short lived and shallow? that this up and down will never stop because my sadness/conflict is simply masked for a brief moment in time? 

i was trying to figure out what a design was on a pair of sock’s she was wearing.. and asked and answered my own question (an eagle) when I looked at it at a particular angle. I asked why those socks. They are pretty nice socks. I was impressed she had the socks matched and that one hasn’t gone missing. not like me at all. Her answer was really logical .. And something That never even popped in my head or that I noticed I wasn’t doing that would make my sock dilemma so easy/simple …buy several pairs of the same socks I like.  if one gets lost it doesn’t matter and you’ll never know which socks were the original pair.

 The way I think is never simple or easy and always deep but it allows me to come up with creative solutions and solve complex problems that have been a challenge for many people. the downside to this is sometimes I cannot see/think of such simple, effortless rational that some people are gifted with. it causes my own thoughts pause and reflect in admiration of the insight of a mind which. Shares the same logical foundation as mine, yet is different enough to cause me to think in unfamiliar (but still sensible) ways.. 

I still battle some internal thought conflict related to the cognitive dissonance and new awareness I have been forced to deal with.. And it is beyond exhausting at times.. There is no doubt inside of me that what I find myself drawn to and just one of many reasons why I enjoy/want to be around this person is the hope they give me in being able to find a way in which my brain can find a resolution that I will truly be at peace with… Its simply outside of my normal thought process.. So I can finally choose happiness in an authentic way. 

it’s funny how talking about random things can change what you thought for sure you find most attractive in a mind and the type you would find most meaning conversations with.. but I suppose it’s obvious that what I need and that can relax and calm my mind is a mind like hers.. and I find myself smiling with this curiousness and contentness in how it surprises me..that it makes me forget the complexity of my internal thought conflict and simply enjoy the moment and presence she brings. 

A conversation about socks providing me with such enlightenment about finding happiness may seem strange – obviously it’s not that weird if this meme exists.. but I dont want to waste anymore time on “eventually” or “strange” because I realize my pursuit of happiness is probably like matching a pair of socks that is right in front of my face and so effortless because there are several of the same individual types.  

If she knew I thought this much it would probably turn her over off. I don’t know if she sees that the foundation in which we think is very much the same. I am sure I seem chaotic and too much. I am for many people besides those who think like me. however it comes across, I often don’t think much of what I do “ponder” .. It usually isn’t a big deal or even important or a priority or top interest. it just seems that way because most people would rather get physical shit done or watch tv. I can’t help I find making connections and insight and awareness so breathtaking..but the truth is I only marvel in it for a brief moment .. A childlike awe .. A bright light flickering before burning out. 

but I guarantee no one appreciates her thoughts the way I have because they would not expand the energy required to use a thought process  capable of recognizing and concluded there is something quite beautiful in the way her mind utilizes simple, effortless rational. 

I don’t know what I am doing

I don’t know what I am doing. the emotional roller coaster is obnoxious. I don’t know if what i am experiencing is in my head or its just this heightened awareness. I don’t know why I can’t just be steady…happy… always something disturbing my ability to trend out. If i just had stability and organization in one aspect of my life … if i was happy with one aspect. They all bleed into each other.

If i was happy and felt i was doing something good – maybe that would replace this. if i knew i had something that always made me happy. maybe not even happy .. secure. like i knew. i feel like never knowing what is secure and what isn’t.. having all this optimism one minute then depression.

I wish people were not manipulative. why? especially to people you love or care about. what are people thinking?

my narc found out i sold the ring and hoovered. it was a lazy attempt. i felt like it was a copy/paste. I just don’t even want to hear people talk anyone unless its rational, sensible and real. I don’t think people in my “life” are ever going to bring me happiness. I think  people can, just not people I expect to.

Also, narcissistic abuse syndrome is a real thing. It needs to be official. I’ll work on this. I’m going on vacation… maybe i’ll make a video…i don’t know where to start.


Keeps Me Going

And every time i think i miss you.

I hate you.

Every time i think I hate you

I hate you.

and the anger..  it will never go away.

I live today as a reminder of the mistake you made. I live tomorrow and the next to be an even bigger reminder of the mistake you made. Every time I feel like giving up, the hate I have for you reminds me I have something yet to do.

Prove for a lifetime I am and always will be better than you.

Doing Better :)

Hey Everyone,

Just wanted to give an update. I am doing better! its been 7 days since i’ve completely turned around. Haven’t touched a cigarette and I stopped taking my ADD medicine because I believe it was causing an increase in my anxiety.

and I re-learned the word No. Try it !

Is there not more we can do? Call to Action

Drowning i feel like. Everyone around me is manipulating me. I have no defenses. Where did they go? I cannot even go into an inpatient care facility… because it is crazy people who are making me crazy. There is no safe place. except here with you…but its not enough to rise out. is there not something more we can do? action we can take? build this community and validate victims help them immediately to recognize manipulation. I did not realize it was this rampant.

give me excitement, give me hope I am begging you.

30 Days No Contact Challenge

Ugh. I have a massive headache but I want to get this out of my head and onto some “paper”. It’s been an insane month. I have been grappling with a bunch of issues. My various addictions and my PTSD symptoms stemming from the Narc abuse (talk about those later)

I was 7 days NC – T decided to text me today. She’s already on relationship #2 since the discard 5 months ago (haha). I was dumb and texted back. The conversations always start out friendly, familiar. By the end she becomes short and begins to treat me as if I was beneath her. I am sick of it. At first I found it amusing to talk to her because I was curious and found it silly how predictable her responses were (It was fun for me to use narc translation) however, I am bored of it by now and its repetitive. I am sure I was holding onto some false hope there too.



I want to announce that I am going 30 days No Contact. I would never let myself commit to NC because I was afraid to let go. I am no longer afraid to let go of something that doesn’t try to hold on. This time I am serious. I am counting on everyone here to hold me accountable! Any inspiring thoughts/words are welcome and appreciated!

For the next 30 days I want to mainly focus on positive thoughts/healing rather than think of the abuse and try to make sense of it. I will get back to that because I think its important for me to continue to admit what the relationship was, to identify all the red flags and bring them to light (for me and all victims/potential victims) but it’s time I really focus on the good and who I am and who I am becoming.